Welcome to our very first episode of The Sports Entrepreneur, the only podcast for sports entrepreneurs that gives you an inside look into what it takes to turn your passion for sports into a business.
This is my opportunity to tell you a little about me. I’m Casey Wright.
I love gymnastics. I was the youngest Indiana state champion at age six, retiring at the whopping age of 11. I was the youngest level 10 judge in the country, and also the youngest U.S. national team coach.
A serial entrepreneur would best describe me, as I own a total of 11 LLC’s. I am the Founder and CEO of NinjaZone, a physical program that combines obstacle training, gymnastics, martial arts, and freestyle movement with the freedom for kids to progress and learn at their own pace. I also have a licensing company with 300+ locations in eight countries.
I’ve had my share of struggles. I used to think that the heartaches of my professional stress were out of my control. I had accepted that the struggle was just a part of being a sports entrepreneur. Then, thanks to a quote from a favorite entrepreneur, I had a lightbulb moment:
I realized that we are every problem and every solution with our businesses.
And that’s why The Sports Entrepreneur exists – to pinpoint issues and develop solutions, all in the name of empowering sports entrepreneurs. We want to help you take your business to the next level.
I want you to count on three gold nuggets in 30 minutes.
Each week, The Sports Entrepreneur will deliver three golden nuggets for you. I want you to specifically know the reasons how you can fail, in addition to how to succeed. It’s okay to know your downsides – let’s work on it together. I want you to make your life easier and reduce your worry.
I see and feel what sports can do – now let’s see what greatness you can bring.
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We’re really excited about it.
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